Pria yang bernama
Jacc Batch owns the UKs largest collection of Sylvanian Families which even have their own room in his house
Jacc Batch, setidaknya kini telah memiliki boneka mainan Keluarga Sylvanian sebanyak 5000 boneka, koleksinya ini tidak hanya bonekamainan dari Keluarga Sylvanian melainkan dari tokoh-tokoh yang sama dari Amerika, Jepang dan Eropa, yang datang dalam kemasan yang sedikit berbeda.
"Setelah saya membeli mainan pertama saya, kemudian orang-orang mulai membelikan saya mainan itu untuk hadiah Natal dan ulang tahun," ujar pria berusia 26 tahun ini.
"Mainan itu terlihat sebagai mainan anak perempuan, tapi saya mencintai mereka. Mereka mengingatkan saya pada masa kecil saya," ujar Batch. Seperti dikutip Daily Mail, Senin (12/11/2012).
Mainan boneka Sylvanian mulai ada di di Inggris pada akhir 1980-an, boneka ini diciptakan oleh Epoch perusahaan Jepang. Sylvania adalah dunia yang terdiri dari keluarga makhluk hutan kecil yang berpakaian dan bertindak seperti manusia.
He has spent a whopping £40,000 on the childrens toys and now has nearly 5,000 figures and other memorabilia
He not only collects every character and accessory, but also the identical figures from America, Japan and Europe, which come in slightly different packaging and owns the third largest collection in the world
Sylvania is a world made up of families of tiny woodland creatures that dress and act just like humans
They range comes complete with different sets - from cottages, treehouses, hospitals, caravans and even a luxury hotel
Collecting runs in Jacc's family. His mum Susan collects Noddy memorabilia and his siblings collects badges, Disney and World of Warcraft memorabilia
Obsessed Jacc saved up his pocket money to buy his first toy as a child and now has nearly 5,000 figures
His collection of furry friends have their own room in the house meaning guests have to sleep on the sofa
Jacc has even visited the Sylvanian Families theme park in Japan, where they were created
He often makes trips to the Sylvanian Families store in London and his own collection is insured for thousands of pounds